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Ok, sometimes mom steals my blog space, and most of the time her comments are kind of heavy, dealing with the cancer and all. That´s why I have to step in and makes things lighter again, the way I like them to be. Overall I think just a few people are able to truely understand wht´s this blog is about. It´s not about cancer, as there are hundreds of blogs about it (with the main purpose to inform about late developments). Neither it is about phisical disabilities (I´m sure there are hundreds of blogs about them too). And it´s not about the life of cute little dogs. But notice that embedded in the life of cute little dogs, there may be some accounts of... vivências: the life experience that my my mom and I gather along the way and that we like to register and (why not:) even share. Sometimes this seems arrogant, but these feelings are mostly mom`s, who sometimes doubt herself and wether or not she has something relevant to say to people. From my part, I think of myself as someone veeeery interesting to meet.
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